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Rate limiting with Flask-SocketIO

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I've been transitioning the API for a Flask project I'm working on away from REST and toward Socket.IO. In doing so, I came to the abrupt and depressing realization that the rate-limiter I had been using for the REST endpoints (flask-limiter) was unable to apply to Socket.IO endpoints. The author of Flask-SocketIO himself suggests that you roll your own solution. Since there seemed to be no package for handling this, I did just that.

The code below defines a decorator, limit_socketio, which can be passed arguments for the key to use for calculating rates and limits (in case you want several endpoints to share the same key as a resource pool), the window of time to consider, and the allowed number of requests from a particular user in that window of time. Since this is a decorator with arguments, even if you are not providing arguments, you must still use parentheses:

@limit_socketio(key='my_key', window=60, allowance=10)
def func1():
	print('10 per minute')

def func2():
	print('Default rate limit and key')

The default rate limit is 2 requests per second, and the default key prefix is socketio. While the code uses Redis, it would be trivial to replace this dependency with some other storage mechanism. Likewise, the dependency on flask-login could be swapped out with some other mechanism for uniquely identifying the user.

"Socket.IO limiter"

# stdlib
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable
# 3rd party
import redis
# local
from . import app

r = redis.Redis(app.config['REDIS_HOST'])

def limit_socketio(key: str = 'socketio', window: int = 1,
                   allowance: int = 2) -> Callable:
    Rate-limiter for Socket.IO event handlers.

    :param key: The key (prefix) of the redis object for tracking request rate
    :param window: Length (in seconds) of the window
    :param allowance: How many requests to allow within the window

    def wrapper(f: Callable):
        from flask_login import current_user

        def func(*args, **kwargs):
            rkey = f'{key}.{}'
            u = r.get(rkey)

            if u is None:
                r.setex(rkey, 1, window)
                u = 1
                u = r.incr(rkey)

            if u > allowance:
                app.logger.debug(f'Rate-limiting {current_user.username}')

                return None

            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        return func

    return wrapper

While I am only using this for Socket.IO rate-limiting, the code actually has nothing to do with sockets. It could just as easily be used for rate limiting any function execution within a variety of contexts. The "rate limit" action here is effectively a no-op, whereas you may want to disconnect the offending user, instead (which would make this particular to web sockets).