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About me

I am a software engineer and textmode artist. I worked as a web developer in higher education for almost 15 years, but I have recently moved into the private sector to build microservices and cloud-native solutions. I enjoy solving problems and sharing what I have learned with others.

Latest video

Supercharged JAM stack with Traefik proxy

Load balancing a JAM stack application suite from the ground up. Built with Traefik, nginx, Flask, and docker-compose. Static files are handled by nginx, freeing the web API (Flask) up to handle only dynamic content. The whole thing is …

Recent posts

  • Blog, documented


    At the risk of getting a bit meta, I'm posting about the blog… not even just about the blog, but about the blog's directory structure, configuration, and build process! I've just recently finished (and re-finished, and re-finished, and…) sprucing up the README file for this blog's source code repository on GitHub. I've made a vigorous effort to try and document the ways in which I have deviated from the Eleventy standard configuration, the reasons for my …

  • Ko-fi icon for FontAwesome


    FontAwesome is a pretty great resource. I use it extensively on this site. In addition to loads of useful UI icons, it also has a brands icon set, which you can see examples of in the "Socials" section of my site menu. What you …

  • Avatars for Twitch


    I've been experimenting recently with front-end-only Twitch overlays that use static files, the TMI JavaScript library, and localStorage. I feel comfortable enough with the pattern now and have enough faith in it that I have excised the …