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Bookmarklet to adjust video playback speed

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If you're like me, you tend to listen to audio (e.g. podcasts) and watch videos faster than their default playback speed. However, sites like YouTube only provide you with a predetermined list of speeds to choose from, and you may find that they don't go fast enough (or slow enough, for that matter).

To get around this limitation, I have crafted a bookmarklet that will set the playback rate of any video elements on the page to whatever value you like. Want to watch at 3x? No problem! Want to slow down to 0.1x? Have at it! Just drag the link below onto your bookmarks bar and give it a click.

Adjust playback rate

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Note: The function must be prefaced with javascript: for your browser to execute it as expected. This is already taken care of in the link above, but is excluded from the source code below for formatting reasons.

((r) => {
  document.querySelectorAll("video").forEach((v) => (v.playbackRate = r));
})(prompt("Playback rate", 3.0));