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Using cURL for parallel PHP without pcntl_fork

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So, you want to do some parallel processing in PHP (alliteration FTW!), but your service provider does not grant you access to the pcntl family of functions*. What do you do? If you're in a *nix environment with access to the curl command line application, then you get creative.

First, the caveats:

  • This method spins up background curl instances through an exec() call
  • This uses the web server as the path through which processes are "forked"
  • Since this is not a true process forking mechanism, the parent process' state is not copied into the new process
  • The labor division mechanism used here is by no means a good method for even distribution, but will serve well enough for demonstrative purposes
  • The nonce-generating mechanism used here is by no means a fully-secure solution, but will serve well enough for blah blah

Now, on to the good stuff. Here's how it's going to work:

  1. Reusable values are stored in a configuration file (duh)
  2. The "parent" script divides up the workload by using a unique identifier attached to the objects being acted upon
  3. The "child" script ensures that requests are valid (coming from the "parent" script and not some random jackhole)
  4. The "child" script loops through its assigned objects
  5. Bob's your uncle

Let's get to it! We begin with a simple configuration file to house values that we want to use in both the "parent" and "child" scripts.

<?php /* */

$config = array(
	'salt' => 'SOME_SALT_VALUE',
	'max_threads' => 8
  • The salt value is a security measure used to further obfuscate the text being encrypted for the nonce (the token that signals the "child" script to trust the incoming request). Read more about using a salt value in your encryption processes, if you wish—it is beyond the scope of this post.
  • The max_threads value should be ratcheted down to a reasonable value for your script's environment.

Next, we build a "parent" script that will evenly (and in the case of this demo script, I use the term loosely) divide up the workload among a number of worker threads not to exceed the value of max_threads in the $config array above.

<?php /* script.php */


// generate a new nonce
function get_nonce()
	$now = time();
	return md5($config['salt'] . $now) . "-{$now}";

// initialize the arrays for our workload
$threads = array();
for($a = 0; $a &< $config['max_threads']; $threads[$a++] = array());

// give each thread a (roughly) even portion of objects to work with
$a = 0;
foreach($objects as $object)
	$threads[($a++ % $config['max_threads'])][] = $object->id;

// nonce for "hiding" the thread script from ordinary web access
$nonce = get_nonce();

// fire up the threads
foreach($threads as $k => $t)
	// send their workload through a POST request
	$data = implode(',', $t);
	exec("curl -d \"data={$d}\" -d \"thread={$k}\" -d \"nonce={$nonce}\" >/dev/null 2>&1 &");

Finally, we build the "child" script. Several of these will run concurrently, acting upon the objects assigned to them by the "parent" script through tailored curl POST requests.

<?php /* thread.php */


// validate a given nonce
function valid_nonce($nonce)
	$parts = explode('-', $nonce);

	if(count($parts) != 2
		|| $parts[0] != md5($config['salt'] . $parts[1]))
		return false;

	return true;

// validate nonce
if(! array_key_exists('nonce', $_POST))
	die('No nonce');

$nonce = $_POST['nonce'];

if(! valid_nonce($nonce))
	die('Invalid nonce');

// get thread ID
if(! array_key_exists('thread', $_POST))
	die('No thread');

$thread = $_POST['thread'];
if(! is_int($thread) || $thread &< 0 || $thread >= $config['max_threads'])
	die('Invalid thread');

// parse workload
if(! array_key_exists('data', $_POST))
	die('No workload');

$object_IDs = explode(',', $_POST['data']);

if(! is_array($object_IDs))
	die('Invalid workload');

// loop through object IDs in the workload and so stuff with them
foreach($object_IDs as $id)

It is a roughly-hewn example, to be sure, but this should provide a solid basis for circumnavigating hosting service restrictions often placed on PHP scripts. While you lose out on what some consider to be features of true forking (i.e., maintaining the state of the parent process in the child processes), it just takes a different approach to the problem to come up with a parallel solution using the curl method illustrated in this post.

If you're working with an entirely CLI-based PHP application and the requisite web server for this method is a show stopper, consider passing your workload through shared memory, a database, or the file system; then make exec() calls directly against the php CLI interpreter instead of funneling through curl. (In fact, this may be the way to go, regardless of parent.php being web-driven, if your child.php script can function from the command line.)

You could also try using one of various PHP third-party parallel libraries/extensions, but you may run into troubles due to a restricted hosting environment in those circumstances, as well.