Have you ever wanted to react to events taking place on a web page, but they aren't capital-e Events that you can catch and handle? I was in this situation recently, where I wanted to grab the current video and chapter titles to display …
Tagged: userscript
Track change events for YouTube with MutationObserver
Tags:Nexus Clash UserScripts
Tags:Carrying on my rich tradition of shoehorning quality-of-life improvements into PBBGs, I've created a couple of UserScripts for the Nexus Clash browser game. The first is an improvement to the Pets management panel which color-codes pets …
UserScripts for Urban Dead
Tags:Several years ago, I wrote a series of UserScripts for a persistent, browser-based game (PBBG) called Urban Dead. These scripts tidy up the user interface a bit and add some new features to the game that make quality-of-life improvements …
Forward Gawker sites to their UK counterparts for a better layout
Tags:I wrote a (really) simple userscript today that reloads Lifehacker pages under uk.lifehacker.com. Why did I do this? Because the Lifehacker UK site doesn't have the trendy new (horrendous) AJAXified layout. Maybe using a hosts redirect …
Urban Dead Greasemonkey Scripts
Tags:I've built a home for all of my Urban Dead Greasemonkey scripts at sites.google.com/site/udscripts. It currently houses CHUD, UDInventory, and the UDBrain Frame Fix script. It will be my base of operations for UD mods from here on …
UDInventory - GreaseMonkey script for Urban Dead
Tags:I've written another GreaseMonkey script for the web game, Urban Dead. This one will compact your inventory by grouping together guns, ammo, first-aid kits, syringes, etc. You can install it from GreasyFork. Click here for an iWitness …
chud - GreaseMonkey script for Urban Dead
Tags:I've finished putting together my first GreaseMonkey script! It's called "chud"—the Caddy Healer for Urban Dead. It's been built to plug-in to my favorite web-based zombie apocalypse, Urban Dead. It will bring up a list of …