Have you ever wanted to react to events taking place on a web page, but they aren't capital-e Events that you can catch and handle? I was in this situation recently, where I wanted to grab the current video and chapter titles to display …
Tagged: userscript
Track change events for YouTube with MutationObserver
Tags:Nexus Clash UserScripts
Tags:Carrying on my rich tradition of shoehorning quality-of-life improvements into PBBGs, I've created a couple of UserScripts for the Nexus Clash browser game. The first is an improvement to the Pets management panel which color-codes pets …
UserScripts for Urban Dead
Tags:Several years ago, I wrote a series of UserScripts for a persistent, browser-based game (PBBG) called Urban Dead. These scripts tidy up the user interface a bit and add some new features to the game that make quality-of-life improvements …
Give-Me-Coins.com Condensed UserScript
Tags:Lately, my interest has been piqued by cryptocurrency. After discovering that my ATI card could produce a decent hash rate without seriously spiking my electricity bill, I got specifically interested in Litecoin. Long story short, I …
UserScript: Tidy up TVGuide.com listings
Tags:The way that TVGuide.com's listings are organized is difficult to work with. This UserScript (compatible with GreaseMonkey, Chrome, Opera, and perhaps more) will gut the listings from the layout and give you one all-encompassing, …
Forward Gawker sites to their UK counterparts for a better layout
Tags:I wrote a (really) simple userscript today that reloads Lifehacker pages under uk.lifehacker.com. Why did I do this? Because the Lifehacker UK site doesn't have the trendy new (horrendous) AJAXified layout. Maybe using a hosts redirect …
Urban Dead Greasemonkey Scripts
Tags:I've built a home for all of my Urban Dead Greasemonkey scripts at sites.google.com/site/udscripts. It currently houses CHUD, UDInventory, and the UDBrain Frame Fix script. It will be my base of operations for UD mods from here on …
UDInventory - GreaseMonkey script for Urban Dead
Tags:I've written another GreaseMonkey script for the web game, Urban Dead. This one will compact your inventory by grouping together guns, ammo, first-aid kits, syringes, etc. You can install it from GreasyFork. Click here for an iWitness …
chud - GreaseMonkey script for Urban Dead
Tags:I've finished putting together my first GreaseMonkey script! It's called "chud"—the Caddy Healer for Urban Dead. It's been built to plug-in to my favorite web-based zombie apocalypse, Urban Dead. It will bring up a list of …